
The 45th Aso Symposium
- Date and Time:
August 1, 2025 (Fri) 13:00-20:30
August 2, 2025 (Sat) 09:00-12:15 - Theme:
- Homeostasis of Biological Defense - Its Maintenance and Restoration
- Chairpersons:
Takeshi Watanabe M.D.,Ph.D. (Professor Emeritus, Kyushu University)
Shoichi Oga M.D.,Ph.D. (Professor, Kyushu University)
Hitoshi Takizawa Ph.D. (Professor, Kumamoto University) - Venue:
Kumamoto Castle Hall Civic Hall (Hybrid Event)
3-40 Sakura-machi, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture - Access:
- https://www.kumamoto-jo-hall.jp/access/
- Program:
- 45th Aso Symposium Program
- Abstract Book:
- To be published in early July
For On-site Participants
Poster Presentation Abstract Registration
Instructions for Poster Presenters

Participation Registration
1. Registration Period
Monday, March 3, 2025 to Friday, July 18, 2025 (12:00 noon)
2. How to Register
Please fill in the necessary information in the Google Form below.
Note: If you are considering a poster presentation, please check the "Poster Presentation Abstract Registration" section before proceeding with the participation registration.
Note: If you do not receive an email by Friday, July 25 regarding the method of on-site or online participation, please contact the secretariat at asosympo[at]kaketsuken.org (Please replace [at] with @ when sending an email). Also, please adjust your email settings to allow receiving emails from the secretariat's domain.
For On-site Participants
- Your participation badge, program, and abstracts will be provided at the on-site reception. Please always wear your participation badge in the venue.
- There is no dedicated parking space at the venue. Please use public transportation.
- Please participate in no-necktie, casual attire.
- When participating in this meeting, you will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. The agreement will be distributed at the reception on the day, so please be aware of this in advance.
- A networking reception will be held on the evening of Friday, August 1. Participation is free.

Poster Presentation Abstract Registration
1. Eligible Presenters
Undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, young faculty
2. Eligible Research
Research related to "Homeostasis of Biological Defense - Its Maintenance and Restoration"
3. Flow from Abstract Submission to Presentation Day
- By May 30 (Fri): Abstract registration and submission
- Mid-June: Notification of abstract acceptance and Travel Grants
- August 1 (Fri): On-site poster display and presentation discussion
4. Abstract Submission Period
Monday, March 3, 2025 to Friday, May 30, 2025 (12:00 noon)
Please fill in the necessary information in the Google Form below.
Note: A confirmation email will be sent within 3 days (excluding weekends and holidays) after receiving your submission. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact the secretariat at asosympo[at]kaketsuken.org (Please replace [at] with @ when sending an email). Also, please adjust your email settings to allow receiving emails from the secretariat's domain.
5. Call for Travel Grants Applicants
Travel Grants will be provided for poster presenters participating from outside Kumamoto Prefecture. Selected recipients will be provided with transportation tickets. If you wish to apply, please apply through the Travel Grants section in the Google Form above.
6. Abstract Preparation Guidelines
Presenters should create their abstract using the designated template.
Please keep in mind that the abstract book will be published on our organization's website and include appropriate content.
- Length: 1 page on A4 paper
- Language: English recommended
- Font: Century
- Font Size: 12 pt for title, 11 pt for the rest
- Enter the title, name (with ○ for the presenter), and affiliation, leaving one line space between the affiliation and main text.
- Please do not insert figures or tables.
- It is not necessary to divide into [Objective], [Methods], [Results], and [Discussion] sections as in the template.
- File name should be "Presenter's Full Name".
- After registering through the Google Form above, please email the abstract data as an attachment to the secretariat at asosympo[at]kaketsuken.org (Please replace [at] with @ when sending email). Deadline is Friday, June 6, 2025 (12:00 noon).
Instructions for Poster Presenters
1. Presentation Format
This will be a free discussion, so please present and discuss in front of your own panel.
2. Language
As international students also participate each year, posters are recommended to be created in English, but Japanese is also acceptable. Presentations will be primarily in Japanese, but please respond in English as appropriate.
3. Poster Preparation Guidelines
- The size of the display panel is 90 cm wide and 180 cm high.
- The poster number will be displayed on each panel in advance.
- Please use the masking tape provided at the venue to put up your poster on the panel.
- Create a display of the presentation title, affiliation, and presenter name(s) (with ○ for the main presenter) within 70 cm wide and 20 cm high, and post it next to the poster number.
- Especially for the title, a font size of at least 36 pt is recommended so that it can be clearly seen from at least 5 m away. For the presentation content, a font size of at least 18 pt is recommended so that it can be clearly seen from at least 3 m away.

4. Posting, Presentation, Removal
- Posting Time: August 1 (Fri) 12:00-13:00
- Display Period: Until August 2 (Sat) 12:00
- Presentation Discussion: August 1 (Fri)
-Odd Poster Numbers: 19:00-19:45 (45 min)
-Even Poster Numbers: 19:45-20:30 (45 min) - Removal Time: August 2 (Sat) 12:15-12:45 (strict adherence)
5. Best Poster Awards
All presentations will be judged on the day of the symposium to determine the best poster presenters.
The award ceremony will be held at the closing ceremony on August 2 (Sat).